Thursday, June 29, 2017


This is turning out to be "the little festival that could."  Taking a giant leap forward in the acts they're booking, plus you can camp onsite.  Saweet!  Elephant Revival was a real highlight (including a scorching rendition of Pink Floyd's "Have A Cigar") and a band I hadn't heard yet from Illinois called the Giving Tree Band had a unique sound that really stood out.  I waited all weekend for one-off collaboration The Cheese Dusters, featuring members of String Cheese Incident and the Infamous Stringdusters.  While they turned out to be little more than a very capable cover band, another collaboration worked wonders, and featured Drew Emmitt of Leftover Salmon with Jeremy Garrett of the Infamous Stringdusters (as well as Drew and Vince's sons, I believe).  Read all about it: Jake Cudek filed a photo essay with which showcases hundreds of shots from the weekend (^_^) TOAST

photo by Jake Cudek

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